SPIRIT OF WISDOM I Corinthians 2:6-10 Devotional:- “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory” (V.7) NKJV      The mind of every man is created to operate wisdom even at the level of common sense. This is one of the reasons why many are poor. The reason why this is so is that most human beings do not know how to empower their mind for wisdom with the right and quality information. They rather believe that life is all about making do with everything that comes their way. Wrong information and association have made many minds dull (Proverbs 13:20).



Scripture Reading: Psalms 16:1-6
Devotional:- “Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another god; Their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor take up their names on my lips” (V. 4)

    Another factor that removes praises from the life of people is idolatry. This is an act of following other god apart from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Idolatry has trapped the destiny of many people. People follow other gods because they take to suggestions from the ungodly. Ungodly way may look profitable, but the end is always destructive (Proverbs 14:12).

The word of God says, “those who follow other gods shall have many sorrows”. Idolatry is an optional way offered by the devil for those who can no longer wait for the Lord (Psalms 37:7-11). The devil always deceives people with material things till they will bag sorrow. The reason why idolatry looks better to some people is that it works fast. But this is deception of the devil to take people away from their joy.

Friend, all that glitters are not gold. Be happy following the Lord. Be patience to learn the way things work in God (Luke 8:15). Refuse to follow the devil or any wicked advice. Such will lead to sorrow at last. Do not because of money seek the devil (1 Timothy 6:10-11). Don't be offended in God (Matthew 11:6). Humble yourself before God and you shall be lifted in due season (1 Peter 5:6). Keep serving God with joy (Deuteronomy 28:47-48). Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, sustain me in your righteousness 


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