Every man's life is a product of a mindset. A mindset is an information that has been set in our mind. For an information to be set in our mind, we must have listen to it over and over. We must have been convinced that the information is right. Mindset are our deep rooted beliefs. They are made solidly in our mind because we were convinced that it is what life is.
Our mind sets are product of our environment, association and family. Poverty is not the absence of the paper money but of the thought money. When someone believes poverty is righteousness, he will never accept or work towards being rich. Some people believe godliness cannot make people rich. So, they will have to choose between godliness and riches. Others believe it is hard to be rich but these are not true.
None of these mindsets will make anyone to access financial liberty. Jesus said “you shall know the truth and you shall be free (John 8:32). Start to challenge yourself, limiting beliefs especially about money. The Bible did not say that money is evil. It is the love of money which is greed that is evil (1 Timothy 6:10). The Lord will open your understanding and you shall prosper. Peace.
PRAYER: Lord, deliver me from every limiting beliefs