  DOMINION   Psalms 8:1-9 Devotional:- “You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet” (V. 6) NKJV      At creation, man was given dominion over all that God created. This office was at that time a terrifying one for other creatures and even the devil. (Psalms 8.6; Psalms 110:1-3). It was this office that the devil was after that he had to deceive man and steal. You will observe that man was the last creature of God (Genesis 1:26). Yet he was made to have dominion over all that existed before him. The devil saw this as partiality on the side of God. He did not know that though man was the last creation yet the finest. The man was finally created to be in charge of all creation.


What is Fellowship with God? - YouTubeWHAT IS FELLOWSHIP   
Hebrews 12:21-29

Devotional Verse -“But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels” (V. 22)

One of the greatest privilege man have with God is opportunity to fellowship with God. Fellowship is also God’s desire (John 4:24). From the beginning of creation, we see that God desire to fellowship with man (Genesis 3:8-10). This is greatly revealed in the journey of God with men all through the ages and this is visible from Genesis to Revelation.

The Bible says our Fellowship is with the forces of heaven; to the company of angels, to the general assembly and the church of the first born, to God the Judge of all and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant. The reason God want to fellowship with man is enormous. It is visible that He made us to fellowship with Him (Genesis 3:8, John 4:23-24, Rev. 21:3). We are not made to be complete without Him (John 15:5). One of the purposes of fellowship is that people become fellow in the same ship. In other words, God want us to be one with Him (John 10:34-36; John 17:21).

Please, understand that God wants to be One with us. He wants to live with you. He wants to influence and strengthen you with His presence (Psalms 84:7). This becomes possible through fellowship. No man can carry the complete glory He is made for without God. Men who attempt this are often known for terrible mysterious hidden life. Make up your mind to live a full glorious life and this is possible through fellowship with God. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, give me a heart that loves your fellowship.


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