Believers in Christ are the people of the new covenant. They enjoy the new order of covenant with God. That is why the Bible has two parts. The Old and the New Testament. The word testament means covenant. Under the old covenant, which is of the law, humanity has been brought under a great yoke. That is why God saw it as faulty, and organized to establish the new (Hebrews 8:8). Under the old covenant, the devil has taken so much advantage of many people. Part of the Old Testament is that any soul that sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:4). Whoever sins is of the devil (1 John 3:8). Under this, the devil has caged the multitude into covenant bondages, which gave him legal right. So he has deceived so many people into covenant bondage ignorantly when they come to request anything from him.
The covenant operating upon some doesn’t make them prosper. So many people have been dedicated to demons by covenant. Some have been given spiritual spouses by covenant. So many are troubled by forces of darkness with bad dreams nightmares, and much more.
The truth is that Jesus has become the mediator of a new covenant (Hebrews 9:11-18, 8:6). That is why He offered Himself as a sacrifice and shed his blood to put the new covenant in place. All covenants are sealed with blood (Hebrews 9:18). He shed His blood for us (Luke 22:20). And the Holy Communion table is a symbol of our part in the new covenant (John 6:53).
As a new covenant child, the old has passed away in your life. Don’t let the devil tie you down to the old. The blood of Jesus has broken the former no matter who did it on your behalf. The blood of Jesus has given you access to better things in life (Hebrews 12: 24). So, you are not part of the old order in your family or society. These are what have passed away in your life (2 Corinthians 5:17). Renounce the covenant in the name of Jesus (Philippians 2:9-10). Cover your spirit, soul and body with the blood of Jesus (Hebrew 9:14). Then start to resist the devil over your life with the word of God (Luke 4:1-13). You will overcome him by the blood of Jesus and the word of God (Revelation 12:11). You are free from the old covenant. If you will believe, that old things have passed away in your life. The new order has started. Now you shall be progressive and prosperous in Jesus' name.