

INFERIORITY COMPLEX Judges 6:7-16 Devotional:- “But Lord ‘Gideon asked’ how can l save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family” (V. 15) NIV When God looks at us anytime, He sees us with the rich things He has created in us. This makes people to be surprised whenever God calls them to an assignment. It is the reason every God-given vision is always greater than man. If God opens the eye of your spirit to see what He has in stock for you, you may doubt the possibility. If you observe when God called Moses, he saw himself as not qualified and said “But am a stammerer but God sees great leadership potential in him (Exodus 4: 10-14). So also, is Jeremiah who said: “l am a child (Jeremiah 1:6-7). So also in the scripture we read today, Gideon said “l am the least in my family”. I don’t know how you see yourself too. Probably you have a poor background or there is no one to help you. These are not strong factors for failure. God has deposited rich t


YOUR BACKGROUND   I Samuel 9:17-22 Devotional:- “Pardon me, sir, “Saul replied, I’m from the tribe of Benjamin, the  Smallest in Israel, and my family is the least important of all the families of the tribe! You must have the wrong man!” (V. 21) TLB      It is often said that every man is a product of his background. Just like every stream is a product of its source. Sometimes, no amount of training can change a person, as their background remains a significant factor . He may be afraid to do some wrong things in front of others, but in private, he might be doing it. Asking some people to divorce their background is like asking them to die. Yet some people live in backgrounds that will never make them succeed or excel in life. If we focus on our background, we could disqualify ourselves from being able to attain great achievements in life


LOOSE TONGUE II Samuel 1:1-16 Devotional:- “So David said to him, "How was it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the LORD's anointed?” (V.14) NKJV      The greatest challenge in the life of some people is their loose tongue. That is a tongue that cannot be controlled. They open it to say all sorts of things. There is no word too heavy for them to utter. To them, it is a pleasure to abuse others. They see it as a game. So, in abusing no one must win them. They know all the words to describe and make a man feel troubled. Little do they know that they have taken to wrong path of life.  James 1:26, 1 Peter 3:10,


BAD HABIT II Kings 5:11-26 Devotional:- “But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, "Look, my master has spared Naaman this Syrian, while not receiving from his hands what he brought; but as the LORD lives, I will run after him and take something from him” (V. 20) NKJV      So many people on earth would have been successful except for the bad habits in their lives. Such grows in our lives when we are careless about them. We are creatures made to be able to create habits. There are success habits and there are failure habits. Success habits will guarantee you success and failure habits will surely bring failure. Habits are what we are used to but it is no longer easy to depart from. People would have corrected us but we refused to listen. We need to be aware that bad habits are there to ruin our lives. You must therefore be willing to see its end before it sees your end.


UNFORGIVENESS Matthew 18:21-36 Devotional:- “Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?” (V. 33) NKJV      Sometimes it is painful when we have to forgive someone who has done something hurtful to us. This is because we believe he had done it out of a wicked heart and needs to be repaid with the right coin. That is why some people will even go to the point of physical combat. That is, they want to punish their offenders. Because of unforgiveness, best friends have been separated, many marriages have suffered divorce, and we have despised people who could be of blessing and help to us. If God were dealing with us how we deal with others, we would no longer be alive. If men were God, they would have killed all men.


LACK OF PURPOSE Judges 9:8-15 Devotional:- “But the olive tree said to them, 'Should I cease giving my oil, With which they honor God and men, And go to sway over trees?' (V. 9) NKJV      One of the strongest weapons against the success of most people on earth is lack of purpose. This is a primary prerequisite to the fulfillment of all humans in life. We are often blindfolded with greed and what we want to gain, which shifts our focus from our purpose that would have aided our success. If only all humans would understand their purpose, then there would be no need for anyone to be envious of another. There will be no need for anyone to become an armed robber. And there will be no reason for anyone to be poor.


WRONG ASSOCIATION                Proverbs 13:18-21 Devotional:- “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed” (V. 20) NKJV      It is not in the plan of God that we live our lives in any form of bondage.

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